We hope there are no issues with your purchase from Jay Achilles. But if there are, or you simply want a refund for any reason, we will happily refund or exchange any items provided the goods are in a fully re-saleable condition and the refund has been requested no longer than 14 days from the purchase date. 

To return an item please notify us by email to

If your refund is approved we will credit the cost of your item excluding any shipping costs.

We take extra care to package our items to avoid any damage during shipping. Upon delivery of your goods, please take the time to inspect each piece and ensure that there is no damage before accepting delivery and signing for the item. In the unfortunate event that any of your items arrive damaged, please contact us within 48 hours and we will advise on the best solution. 


For bespoke items which have been customised by request, we are unfortunately unable to offer returns or refunds.